Sometimes, the most annoying thing in the world is when you have already mapped out a plan in your mind of what you'll do in order to accomplish stuff that you need to do, and then something simple stops it.
It's even more annoying when your "strategy" is very crucial or else a lot will fail, or there will be a huge risk or disadvantage for you.
Well, when you plan too much, I think it's also a downfall in itself. Because when everything is mapped out and strategized carefully, especially if it is your life, or even just your night or morning, then the smallest change or unexpected thing will ruin everything.
Just like the loss of an internet connection or a chat with friends. The former is definitely not fun while the latter can be, but both can ruin a set of plans that you so carefully thought of in order to prepare important things.
Or maybe just neglecting to glance at a document will push your schedule for one whole freaking week.
That, is seriously annoying.
In the end, however, you have to learn to roll with the punches (Go Pacquiao!) and deal with it, because that's life.
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