Sunday, October 3, 2010

Distraction: Looklet

When you have something really important and urgent to do, that's when distractions show up. This is something that I have learned in my life (so far).

So in the course of the past few months, as I was exploring this whole new world of postgraduate schooling, a lot of distractions have cropped up.

These distractions can actually be deadly for me: if losing focus on a normal week can already have dreadful effects, then just imagine being distracted on an exam week! It can lead me to a definite breakdown. It has happened at least once already.

Even now, typing this blog entry, is a distraction in itself. It's a way for me to fool myself that I am not simply lying around doing nothing, when in fact it's pretty much the same as doing nothing since I am evading the tasks that I am supposed to do.

As the title suggests, one of these distractions is Looklet. Don't know what Looklet is? Well, as my friend put it (and I totally agree), it's like playing paper dolls. It's just online, which means more dress choices, model choices, and even background and effects choices! And just to get it out of the way: I LOVED playing with paper dolls.

Which makes it unsurprising, that I'm hooked. Really. Even if I'm not that much of a fashionista, it's still fun to play dress up. And since I love make believe stuff, it helps my imagination work. And well, I'm a girl. I love clothes, even if it doesn't show in real life. Haha!

If it still isn't obvious why it's a distraction, well, when you keep Looklet open, you see clothes, and sooner or later you'll get struck by an inspiration or a look that you just have to achieve somehow. Whether it's through randomly surfing through the stuff, or just a spark of inspiration, when you get to actually trying to achieve that look, it might take some time. Hence, it's a full-blown distraction. Really dangerous.

What's the catch for me? Well, if you look at my sample "looks", they're not really much to look at. I'm not good at creative stuff, and it shows. But my idea of creating looks is something that I'd want to wear, so I don't really experiment. Still, I get to create looks that will probably never be put together or worn by me in real life. So really, it's a playground for me.

And here are some of the "looks" that I've created (I like them, but I probably won't do this in real life, especially the second one! Hahaha):

For some reason, I really like this look. Although, does it seem gloomy? Hahaha
If I'd somehow get a pair, I'd wear the boots, but the dress? I highly doubt it. But it looks nice, right? 
I know you can do better than this, so why don't you get distracted on this site too? Unleash the fashionista in you! It's at! Enjoy!

Oh, and of course, this post won't be complete until I thank my dear friend Cielo for introducing me to this distraction. It's deadly, but it's fun! Thanks love! :P

And with that, I go and slave away over work I've put off for much, much too long. Too long for my own good. Ah, Looklet, you kill me. With those killer boots. Tsk.

So Fast, So Slow

I thought I'd be able to update my blog at least once a week, but here I am, updating only a week before finals. The passage of time has been very weird, to say the least.

I've already mentioned before how I realized I've been taking time for granted, and how I experience the passage of time more than ever. When you're in class dreading to be called, even an hour or two can be so excruciatingly slow. Or when trying to read up or make an assignment for a subject, the same one or two hours can be so fast!

Even now, the passing of weeks feels slow and fast at the same time. On the one hand, coming to this point-last week of classes (I think, haha)-seemed to have come so slow, as I remember the struggle that it took to get through even just one week, or even one day. On the other hand, however, I'm quite surprised that it's almost finals already. It feels fast, too. And yes, that's kind of weird.

It gets weirder when I think about how at the beginning of the year, I was still a senior struggling to finish my thesis and graduate on time. Now, I'm struggling to finish the first sem of my first year. It's a bit unsettling, although not necessarily unpleasant.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to whatever is in my brain. Hopefully I get everything in order. Because it's finals next week!

This is just the beginning of the last, crazy part of the ride. Fighting! Hahaha

P.S. Hopefully, this broke the stagnation that has been my blog. LOL.