Anyway, to breathe a bit of life into this blog again, I'm posting about a book I just finished. And since you already know it's been quite a while since I posted, don't be surprised at the book number jump. Oh well.
But before that, can I just say how disappointed/frustrated I am that I did not finish any book last month? And I only finished this book right before July ended! So sad.
Here it goes!

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I think I'd forever be biased in favor of the Vampire Academy series, so everything stems from that. Rose will forever be my favorite dhampir heroine and Dimitri will forever be the hottest, most badass dhampir. VA to me, is always quite the fast-paced, rollercoaster ride.
Sydney's a very different character, which is probably why this was quite a more "chill" read for me. It was no page-turner for me, and honestly, it can bore me sometimes. But I do live for the Dimitri moments (though it hurts when he's getting a bit bashed-understandably, because we're more focused on everything from an outsider's POV, and a lot of Adrian's, at that), some Roza-Dimka sweetness, so I still read on.
I do like Sydney, though she really pales in comparison to Rose's narration and well, to Rose herself.
This is a nice book, though, and I did enjoy some of the romantic side of it all. And knowing Richelle Mead, Sydney Katherine Sage's world will probably fall apart even more in the next few books. I expect worldviews shattering, comfort zones obliterating, and a lot of new stuff and experimenting.
I'm a bit sad that Dimitri was said to be leaving in a while (please refer to a few paragraphs above to know why), but oh well, this is Sydney's tale. Darn.
And, (spoiler! spoiler!) I was right! Looks like RMead really went there. She. Went. There. Hello, forbidden human, and not just any human, but Alchemist-Moroi romance! And I'm sure she's just getting started. But I kinda like this. I think they're well-suited. They need each other. Someone that crazy and someone that rational. Perfect combination. They'll balance each other out. (On another note, referring to something Adrian said about wanting to better because of Sydney, See? Rose was right! She usually is! Just wanted to put that here. I love Rose so much, obviously)
Oh, I also like Sydney's passion for cars. Brings out some life in her. Kinda cute, too.
Anyway, on to the next book! (And thank goodness, I thought I'd never finish another book with the way my life is going these days! XD)
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